So last night I installed the first half of the moon lights to the 30g tank. It looks awesome. I love watching the tank while I fall asleep, and having it moonlit is even better now. I need to run a second light to the other end of the tank and it will be all done. Luckily they both fit into the existing light hood with almost no modifications needed. I had to drill a small hole to fit the cord into it, but thats about it. A little hot glue holds it in place. I'll get some photos of it tonight when its dark enough to see the effect.

Did water changes on both tanks today, and the ammonia levels are still huge on the 30g. I really would have thought that they'd be coming down by now. The fish don't look stressed out at all, so I dunno. I'm somewhat at a loss. I have some new plants coming in for the planted tank, and I think I'm going to have to put some in there to soak up all the excess ammonia. Damn messy goldfish. I'm really hoping to not have to change the substrate out, so I've got my fingers crossed that some floating plants will make the difference and bring the imbalance back in check.

Speaking of goldfish, I kicked the small one out of the planted tank and threw him in the 30g. He kept pulling up the micro sword, and we just can't have that. So after a trip to the local fish store, there's now 4 harlequin rasboras in the planted tank. I think I will probably add another 6 rummynosed tetras down the road. I got confirmation today that the plants I bought will be being shipped tomorrow. YAY! The forums at aquatic plant central are a goldmine for plants from hobbiests like myself at reasonable to super cheap prices. Not to mention super friendly people to help you out when you have no clue what you're doing.

I'll get the photo's up tonight or tomorrow.


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Aquarium Addiction

I started this blog to keep a journal of my aquariums. It is quite the addiction once you start. I currently have two tanks, a 10gal and a 29gal, however I can't help but want another one, or two or three. Everywhere I look I'm wondering if I could put an aquarium there.

This blog serves a great purpose. When I do changes to the tanks, I log it here and have a date to look back on when I can't remember when the heck I did something. I highly suggest starting one if you don't blog about your tanks already.
